Talent Strategy Consulting
Our Culture Survey is a comprehensive listening tool that measures workforce culture across key categories, providing detailed analysis and implementation support. The survey is customized to address the specific needs of your frontline workforce.
Frontlines Culture Survey & Consulting
Our Culture Survey is a comprehensive listening tool that measures workforce culture across key categories, providing detailed analysis and implementation support. The survey is customized to address the specific needs of your frontline workforce.
Culture Survey in English & Spanish, delivered to your team quarterly.
Resources & best practices for implementation & communication: minimize the effort needed from your leaders.
Accountability to set high engagement goals, and help to meet them: get the feedback of your whole workforce.
Quantitative (easily measurable) results broken down on a single page and filtered into 5 unique focus categories.
Qualitative (robust insight) results from team comments, translated into English and organized for easy review.
Support & flexibility throughout the survey process, ensuring completion while adjusting to the ever-changing needs of the business.
1-hour consultive results call: fully understand and engage with your results, ask questions, identify wins and opportunities, and walk away with clarity of where to focus and why.
The Culture Pulse Survey is built specifically for the frontline workforce. Our survey features 30 intentionally crafted questions in 5 unique categories that make up our Hierarchy of Frontline Workforce Needs. Those categories are:
Trust & Authenticity
Recognition & Belonging
Informed & Equipped
Motivated & Engaged
Proud & Committed
In addition to these category scores, you also get the following overarching scores:
Culture Score: the total positive sentiment from your entire team, across the entire survey
Job OSAT: the single question response to your team’s overall satisfaction with their job
Life OSAT: the single question response to your team’s overall satisfaction with their life outside of work
Our Talent Framework
With our Frontlines Talent Management Framework we work with your team to integrate results-oriented Talent Strategy into your business. We thought partner with your team to ensure the employee journey is resourced and key frontline workforce needs are considered. We help your team walk through our six key Talent Strategy tenants and the business systems/disciplines needed to execute them.