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Case Study: Sam Class

Sam’s Story

Sam’s story is one of speed - speed of implementation and speed of results.

Sam started working with us in December of 2022, shortly after hearing news of a new opportunity coming his way very quickly for a second restaurant. 

In the first 3 weeks of December we worked with Sam to customize and launch our Frontline Leadership Training as well as aspects of our Business Results Consulting, ahead of Sam’s Multi-Opportunity visit in early January. 

Sam’s ability to lead and support his business were so impressively evident as he worked to customize and launch these programs very quickly, and we were thrilled with the opportunity to partner with him in this effort.

Industry: Hospitality & Food Service

Annual Revenue: 15-17 million

Number of Employees: 150-175

USA Region: North East

Solution(s): Lead Higher Academy, Frontlines Leadership Training, Reporting & Planning

New Opportunity

We were not the only ones to notice Sam’s tenacity, as he was quickly selected to take ownership of the second restaurant, which Sam asked to take over on March 1st.

In the remainder of January we worked with Sam to Launch our All-Team Portal to centralize all-team resources and communication in his first restaurant. Launching this platform and preparing all our work to accommodate a second restaurant was our main effort throughout February, as Sam prepared for a March 1st takeover of the 2nd location. 

Here is what Sam has to say about the work we did with him in December-February, ahead of taking over his second location:

Most Operators have easily over a year to prepare for a multi-Restaurant selection process, but we had about 3 months! That’s right ... 3 months! We always aspired for an additional restaurant but just never saw it coming that quickly. Leadership capacity is a big part of the decision-making process and an area we needed help with. We had and still have great talent, but we lacked a consistent and clear path for leaders to develop. The Frontlines stepped in and gave us that and worked closely with me to push hard and fast to get things implemented prior to our selection process. Josh was amazing to work with and he ran right alongside of me as we worked to implement and get my current leaders on board with the process as well. It was great how Josh worked with us based on our timeline and still made sure we were getting all that they offered and that we needed to continue to build our leadership bench.
— Sam Class

Equipping Leaders

After Sam took over the second location we worked to ensure all the systems were working well and were supporting Sam and his team at both locations. 

In the Spring of 2023 we started meeting with Sam and his top leaders to finish launching the remaining aspects of the Business Results Consulting, and to Launch our Lead Higher Academy. 

The Lead Higher Academy is built to equip your leadership team with tools & learning to apply to the business and elevate your leadership team, both individually and collectively. We continue to rollout a new course for Sam’s team every other month, and they will continue to be able to use these courses with the entire leadership team in the future. 

6 months. That is how much time from the original thought of multi-restaurant until taking over the second location. We basically snapped our fingers and our team doubled in size, including our leadership team. Had we not done the hard work with The Frontlines, I am not sure we would have been able to handle it so well. We took a failing restaurant and turned it around very quickly, while remaining excellent at our first location. A lot of that was helped by having the leadership development in Basecamp, that we could easily give hungry leaders the tools they needed to develop to the next level of leadership we needed. The leadership training that they gave us helped us be prepared to be a highly efficient organization that focuses on developing leaders to be able to keep up with the growing business.
— Sam Class

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