Matthew Sexton leadership group

Case Study: Matthew Sexton

Matthew’s Story

Matthew started working with us in March of 2022. There was an opportunity coming for his restaurant leadership to take on a 2nd location and he was working hard to prepare for the opportunity.

Matthew chose to have us work directly with two of his leaders, Catherine and Christian, to roll-out the Frontlines Leadership Training and the Business Results Consulting Solution.

Industry: Hospitality & Food Service - Restaurants

Annual Revenue: 10-15 million

Number of Employees: 100-125

USA Region: South East

Solution(s): Frontlines Leadership Training, All-Team Portal, Business Results Consulting

Their Biggest Takeaway

Matthew’s success is a story of planned steadiness. His leaders rolled out the Frontline Leadership Training in April, providing a systematic and scalable process for developing his current and future leaders.

The Frontlines has the latest and greatest of any leadership development program on the market. What they did for us was create an infrastructure that we were lacking for years!
— Matthew Sexton

Changing The Culture

In July, we worked with Matthew’s leaders to roll out the All-Team Portal on basecamp, providing a centralized place for team communication and resources. In Matthew’s words, this is how we prepared them for the next steps in their business.

As we approached our opportunity to go multi-location, we were told there would be two major questions asked during our process: One, does corporate want to replicate my business? Two, can we replicate what we are doing? It’s the CAN WE that is the more difficult piece to plan and prove. That is where The Frontlines come in. They partner with you to ENSURE you can build the support systems to replicate your business! Not just for a multi-opportunity, but for any future!
— Matthew Sexton

A Clear Difference

In September, Matthew’s team started implementing the Business Results Consulting Solution, a way to systemize and scale how they measure and evaluate their results. Here is what they said about their experience with the frontlines as they implemented these reports and systems.

The Frontlines will walk with you as you build your future; one nail at a time. Josh makes the process fun and will keep your team motivated during the process.
— Matthew Sexton

Partnering Towards A Goal

In December of 2022, Matthew and his team had a final interview for the 2nd location. Their preparation and capacity for growth was self-evident; they were offered the opportunity on the spot!

We have been so grateful for the opportunity to work with Matthew and his leaders during this process and we are proud of the relationship we have built.

Josh was literally the first person I emailed when we got selected for multi-restaurant because he was so instrumental in that process.
— Catherine, Operations Director
Never once did we feel left alone.
— Matthew Sexton

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