The Frontlines Talent Strategy — Let’s dig in

If you ask 100 People to define talent Management strategy for the Frontlines, you will get 250 answers.

Frontline leaders, business owners and brands love to talk in outcomes. It sounds smart.

“I am implementing a healthy culture.”

“I am increasing my leadership capacity.”

“I am working to scale the organization".

The problem comes when you really dig in and ask them to define the strategy and tactics they are using to get there. It’s often shallow, at best. Confusing, at worst.

Why is this? I have a few theories.

  • It’s tough to translate corporate speak and strategies into frontline work.

  • Implementing strategy and tactics around talent is difficult given the deskless nature of the workforce. It takes work — work they don’t want to do or don’t know how to do.

  • They are looking for a silver bullet.

  • They have a cost vs. asset mentality regarding their workforce.

  • The turnover is overwhelming, which leads to a “it will always be this way” mentality.

  • They don’t understand their workforce — wants, needs, desires, dreams.

  • They haven’t had to think about it in the past. It came easy.

  • They care deeply, it keeps them up at night …. but they just aren’t sure what the right next step should be.

When we launched The Frontlines, addressing this was first and foremost. We had to put pen to paper and define the key tenants of a Talent Framework designed specifically for the frontlines.

We hope this helps you and your teams — a problem well-defined is half solved.

if you ever want to chat or would like me to run you and your organization through this work, email me.

~~ Lauren Silich, CEO & Founder


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